"If we are not responsible for the thoughts that pass our doors, we are at least responsible for those we admit and entertain." - Charles B. Newcomb
Learning to master our fears and develop a good relationship with the unknown is essential to living life to the fullest. One of the greatest things I ever did for my self confidence was graduating from UC Berkeley's physics department. I discovered when I began classes at age eighteen at UC Berkeley that I was one of very few women students in the physics department, and typically the only female in any given class. I was painfully shy, and frequently got knots of nervous tension in my stomach from the combined stress of living away from home for the first time, taking classes on a faster-paced quarter system for the first time, and being keenly aware of being an extreme minority. In order to succeed in this environment, I had to face and conquer many fears.
I still had tight knots in my abdomen facing the rigors of getting a grip on the quarter system, living away from home, and being one a handful of women in my program. The greatest epiphany for me at that juncture in my life was the simple realization that my own thoughts and attitudes made the biggest difference in my success in life. Yes, I had passed my classes... and while my first reaction to seeing my report card was to grieve, wasn't it a whole lot healthier to celebrate the fact that I was not at risk for flunking out?
This turning point in my life taught me that by mastering my inner dialogue of thoughts and attitude, I can face anything. Not only can I overcome my fears, but I can improve my relationship with whatever or whoever I have been afraid of. Even though I was still painfully shy, I found ways to enjoy being the only girl in most of my UC Berkeley Physics classes. I found ways to see myself as succeeding at meeting my goals by tackling areas I had difficulty with in small steps... and I succeeded.
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
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