Saturday, October 9, 2010

Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive

Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue
at Asilomar, California. See Cynthia summarize this RealityShifters on

"Love is like magic
And it always will be

For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery

Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange

And there's nothing in life
That love cannot change"

- Helen Steiner Rice

Thanks to RealityShifters reader, Kate, of Handwriting That Works, I recently heard of the Vardøgr (vard-deh-AY-grr), which is a Norwegian word meaning "premonitory sound or sight of a person before he arrives." A similar concept is known in Finland as Etiäinen, meaning a precognitive vision or dream. These words are used to describe experiences when one sees or hears a family member or guest before the person in question actually arrives. The July 2010 and August 2010 issues of RealityShifters featured several accounts of this particular type of reality shift including one in which I saw my front door open and heard my daughters voice about thirty or forty minutes before she actually appeared. I now wonder how many of the reality shift experiences I have had over the years might fall under this general heading as well, such as these two examples shared in my book, RealityShifts: When
Consciousness Changes the Physical World

    * My daughters saw me enter their bedroom and turn on their light, waking them up (Reality Shifts: pp. 114-115) * A woman requested a business card twice (Reality Shifts: pp. 138-139, 142)
The Vardøgr or Etiäinen concept also gets me thinking about a
couple of experiences involving bilocation and time loops that I have
mentioned previoiusly in RealityShifters:

I am especially intrigued by situations where people reported having seen me bilocating, since the people reporting having seen me were people who knew me well, and in both bilocation instances I was in a meditative, relaxed state of mind as I was thinking about being elsewhere. My daughters were awakened by my double’s entrance to their room as I said "Good mroning," and turned on their light switch, filling their room with light. They were surprised to run to my room and find me "still in bed," when in my own experience that morning, I had never out of bed... only contemplated it. The woman who told me that she had seen me walking down Solano Avenue was excited to tell me about this, because she knew I was scheduled to be attending a full-day holistic expo in a different city that day, so she was therefore quite surprised to see me enjoying a stroll down the street. Strolling down that street is exactly what I was daydreaming about at that point in time, as I was sitting indoors many miles away!

Another experience I once had while on a bike ride with my daughter comes to mind as being similar to the Vardøgr, even though it involved trees instead of people. My oldest daughter had asked me to join her on an expedition to ride our bicycles out along a mountain road to visit a couple of trees she had seen and loved from a distance of several miles, viewed from one mountain ridge to another. I noticed as we arrived at a place that seemed close to our goal that this idea would be challenging, as a forest of trees lay between the road we traveled on and my daughters favorite trees. Surprisingly, as I rode my bicycle while turning my head to see if I could catch even a glimpse of my daughter's favorite trees, I suddenly saw a completely unobscured view of those two trees appear before me just as
clearly as everything else I was looking at. This vision of the two trees appeared in a particular place on the horizon, replacing the forest that was actually there... and lasting for almost a full minute. As the vision faded from view, I was so stunned by this vision that I excitedly told my daughter, "I know which way to go to find your trees!" We followed the direction of my vision, and found this guidance to be completely accurate. The two trees were indeed located exactly where I had just "seen" them to be.

In all these experiences I feel inspired by the idea that we are capable of traveling to where we wish to be in such a way that others observe us there... and sometimes when we daydream, we might just get home (or somewhere else wonderful) a little bit ahead of ourselves!

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? Feel free to check it out, as well as video shorts summarizing other recent RealityShifters newsletters. And remember to keep asking, "How good it can get?" every time you’d like to find out.

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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