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Communicate With Past & Future Selves
"Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion and self-deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture."
- David Bohm
Can you imagine what your life might be like today if you could talk to yourself in the past? Can you further imagine the possibility that your future self might be giving you some guidance at this very moment? What would a world feel like in which such communication through time was commonplace? These were some of the questions I explored in my pre-conference talk this past month at the SEED Language of Spirit conference, Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts. As I mentioned in my conference presentation, one key to accessing all aspects of ourselves is by returning to a state of experiencing a timeless sense of Nowhen... which is a transcendent meditative state of mind in which most of our preconceived labels and habitual ways of thinking do not apply. This way of being in the world without being overly obsessed with Ego and its attendant fears, and free from the usual eagerness to reject what we presume to be too different from ourselves provides us with an optimal perspective from which we can most fully realize an interconnected awareness of self and all that is.
Physicist David Bohm's concept of dialogue as a way of communicating with no predefined purpose or agenda, other than exploring where a group of twenty or more people's conversation may go, is different than discussion or debate. There is careful attention paid to the process of thought in such dialogues, which are conducted along the lines of the David Bohm's quote at the top of this page. The main idea is that we stop defending our own ideas and start more fully listening to people saying things that we might previously have been blocked or felt insensitive to.
Deep listening is the key to good dialogue, and this is something we can do with ourselves and in every relationship in our lives. Finding a state of deep listening... of deep conversation... without imposing old preexisting views or conforming to others' views is a transformative state of consciousness. From such a place, it is possible to more fully appreciate and become aware of all aspects of oneself, including our past and future selves. It is also possible to move past a sense that it is always the other person who is wrong or prejudiced and not listening... so we can become alert and attentive to the way our minds sometimes move away from what we think may disturb us.
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YouTube? This short video and other RealityShifters videos summarize monthly RealityShifters newsletters starting in May 2009. Thanks so very much for being you, and for remembering to ask in every situation, "How good it can get?"
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at
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