Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Celebrate Life

Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue Larson celebrating life in a treehouse in Oregon. See Cynthia summarize this RealityShifters on YouTube!
Celebrate Life

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey
Cynthia Sue Larson in tree house
Happy New Year! I love the feeling of getting a fresh start in life every time I move to a new place, start a new project, and start a new year. I love the sense of fresh energy and hopefulness and the feeling that anything is possible! When we celebrate these turning points in life, we get a terrific energetic boost.

New year's resolutions don't have to be entirely focused on restrictions and constraints... it is possible to take our positive intentions and transform them into ongoing celebrations that continually inspire us to be and do those things we desire when we focus on what most excites, tantalizes and enthuses us. Thinking about and taking steps forward according to such positive ideas is invites us on a celebratory journey through life,. One of the ways I celebrated life this past month was by spending a night in a beautiful treehouse, comfortably situated some thirty feet high in the air, surrounded by beautiful trees. I had longed to stay in a treehouse since I was a little girl, so this experience was tremendously meaningful to me. There is a special kind of joyful feeling from such an experience, which stays with me long after my time in that enchanted treehouse is gone.

Cynthia Sue Larson on treehouse bridge
This time of a brand new year is a perfect time to think about celebrating life in ways that truly make you happiest, based on what you've come to know about yourself. At the start of this new year, this is a great time to imagine it will be in your life within the next year... and write it down in a special journal of what you are thankful for, what you are dreaming of, and what you desire. There is something marvelous about combining a gratitude journal with your favorite hopes and dreams, and I have found that things I write down in such a book come true amazingly fast and easily. If you are grateful that you have a really good friend, give some thought to that special friendship, and write a sentence or two about what you love most about your friend. If your health is good in some ways, take some time to feel gratitude for all the things you are able to do. If you'd love to travel somewhere, or spend time in a special place, imagine yourself in those places, and write down a description of being there.

I Am Healthy
I invite you to celebrate life this year in two fabulous ways... by having fun with more money and better health! I hope you will read and enjoy my new brand new book, RealityShifters Guide to High Energy Money, as it inspires you to thoroughly enjoy finding, keeping, and growing your finances with inspirational stories of real life monetary reality shifts. I am also thrilled to invite you to join me in the I Am Healthy Project by declaring the powerful affirmation, "I am healthy." The target for this project is to start off by generating a critical mass of one million people who are all aligned with the same powerful and transformational idea... an idea that has the power to transform the world.

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Would you like to view the video summary of this RealityShifters on YouTube? Feel free to check it out, as well as video shorts summarizing other recent RealityShifters newsletters. And remember to keep asking, "How good it can get?" every time you'd like to find out.
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com

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