Treasure Friends and Family
"Faithful friends are gifts from heaven:
Whoever finds one has found a treasure."
I was checking my email one seemingly ordinary Monday morning last month, when I got a phone call with news that a dear friend of mine had died. From that moment on I have felt a sensation akin to a cold wind blowing through my heart. Dozens of things every day remind me of my friend -- even romantic love songs, which may seem a bit odd, except now I see that so many sentiments in romantic love songs ring true for cherished friendships, too. "Baby, please don't go," takes on a profound new meaning.
The pillar of support my friend provided me with through her presence in my life is now under reconstruction, as I reconcile the transition of her physical presence from this world with the power of my memories of everything she meant and continues to mean to me. All the times I had been assuming would be there for us in the future will be lacking her companionship in one form, yet might still include aspects of her grace and beautiful character.
Larson at the California coast |
Just before hearing that my friend had died, this past month had been a busy one for me. After a southern California book tour, I presented a paper, "Retrocausality and Real Life Miraculous Reality Shift Healing Stories" at the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness conference at UC Berkeley. The key point of my talk was the concept of bicausality (forward and reverse causality together) in a multidimensional holographic universe. The idea that decision trees go both forward and backward in time allows us to constantly set a new forward path for ourselves even as we continuously resculpt what our past has meant to us.
Looking back at experiences with my friend who died gives me an opportunity to more deeply value so many little things that otherwise might pass by unnoticed. So many random comments she made to me over the years dance through my mind. I remember her laugh, and the way she so appreciated little things I said and wrote to her... and the times we had shared so much joy on vacations to British Columbia over the years.
My time of grieving this past month has brought me to the realization that something more is happening than "losing" a loved one. Yes, I know my dear friend is gone, and yes, the emotions of love I have for her continue to be extracted from my heart as time and the universe see fit. What I feel is something other than loss, per se, as I continually gain an ever deepening comprehension of what my friend shared and continues to share with me through memories of cherished moments and special times and interests.
The ache I feel in my heart following my friends death reminds me each day to love truly -- feeling the rapture and pain of connection to everyone and everything I love. As I breathe deeply and fully, I feel my heart breaking open, enriched with the treasure of connections to everyone and everything I love.
Thanks for staying in touch with me on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and in person, too. Thanks for sharing your reality shift stories, and for doing all you do! Thanks for shifting reality as you look forward with joyful anticipation, and back with grateful appreciation. And most of all, thank you so very much for just being you!
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
View the April 2010 RealityShifters ezine in its entirety, with articles, stories, book reviews and more posted online at:
A YouTube summary of this month's RealityShifters is posted at:
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