Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Imagine That Everyone Loves You

Cynthia Sue LarsonSee Cynthia Sue
summarize this ezine on YouTube video!

Imagine That Everyone Loves

"Judge nothing, you will be happy.
Forgive everything, you will be happier.
Love everything, you will be happiest."
-- Sri Chinmoy

Whenever we have doubts about the situations in which we find ourselves, one thing that helps tremendously is having confidence that we have social support -- that we are not solitary. There is a large body of academic research indicating that people experience very real benefits from social support systems emotionally and physically. That makes sense when we realize that human beings are social creatures.

How can it be possible for people to benefit from social support systems when they feel socially isolated? Something anyone can do, no matter how socially isolated, is to imagine the presence of a strong network of social support. Quite a bit of the benefits from having a social support system come from how we feels appreciated, so we can immediately benefit from drawing strength from imagining we have emotional support when we need it.

A wonderful meditation for developing energetic resilience is to imagine that everyone loves you. You can do this by closing your eyes, breathing deeply, and starting by imagining a pet or person from your past who adored you. Remember how they looked at you, and how you felt when the two of you were together while exhaling completely. Take another deep breath, and imagine that they are here with you now. Get a sense of what they would say to you now, if they were with you... and how you would feel to have their support right now. Think of another individual who adores you... and sense their presence with you. Keep breathing regular, slow, steady breaths, and feel an expanding sense of confidence and radiance building inside you. Imagine the possibility that everyone loves you at the level of their being where they are at their core an infinite, eternal being of love and light. Imagine that animals, plants, and passersby are all connected with you via energetic support cords of unconditional love... all sending you loving encouragement, inspiration, and strength. Visualize your best possible future self is also connecting with you now, providing you with guidance as to how best to know what to do that you will be happiest with in every moment.

Language of Spirit Conference
Connecting with your best possible future self is a form of time travel... a great way to gain insights into your reality selection in a bicausal multidimensional holographic universe. Want to learn more? You can learn a whole lot more about future selves and time travel at the 12th Annual International Language of Spirit Conference happening in Albuquerque, New Mexico August 15th through the 17th. Discover what linguists, physicists and indigenous scholars have to say about time travel. I am honored to be part of this year's dialogue, and will be giving a talk there on Listening to Future Selves, Reviewing Our Pasts. I look forward to seeing you there!

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You can view the video summary of this ezine on YouTube, to watch me demonstrate some concepts using bunny rabbit puppets, and get a glimpse of the flier for the Language of Spirit conference and the Happiness Genes book I review this month. Thanks so very much for being you, and for remembering to ask in every situation, "How good it can get?"

Love always,

Cynthia Sue Larson

email Cynthia at