Photograph by Cynthia Sue Larson of lavender flowers at sunset
One thing that's coming up recently for clients in my spiritual life coaching practice is that people are feeling a sense of doubt that anything they think, do, or say will make much difference when they face disturbing changes in their lives. Most of us have felt similarly at various low points in life, yet typically no matter how bad things may seem at any given point, we can see good things happening too, if we stop and take notice.
Paying attention to the good things in life is one of the best things you can do for yourself and others, and one of the good things that's always available to you no matter what's happening and where you are is that you can make any situation better with how you choose your attitude. Just as you likely feel more relaxed, confident and happy around people who are relaxed, confident and happy... you can change the energy of any situation by taking a few moments to clear and calm yourself.
Many years ago, I had a wonderful experience in personal empowerment, and with my favorite question, "How good can it get?!" I saw the difference attitude makes in one's overall happiness with seemingly difficult circumstances on an airplane trip seated next to a crying child.
No matter who we are, each one of us can make a positive difference in the world in many ways. We may think things we do are small, and we may feel we only have limited influence, yet I've witnessed an amazing effect in this multiverse whereby ripples from even the smallest random act of kindness move outward with miraculous precision to various points, bringing inspiration, healing, and love where it's most needed.
There are people who help strangers in every continent in the world, and sometimes what's needed is really not all that much... just being at the right place at the right time, willing to listen or lend a hand. Sometimes we are fortunate to have the opportunity to be on one or the other side of this arrangement... and knowing we are part of such a supportive universe can feel fabulous. There are animals who help other species, such as dolphins who rescue shipwrecked sailors... and there are humans who assist injured animals and plants.
By simply doing what we can to make things a little better where we are, we make the multiverse splendidly better in more ways than we'll ever consciously realize... and that's a wonderful thought to contemplate!