Larson with Edgar Mitchell at February 2010 Institute of Noetic Sciences event |
Expect Success
"Suddenly from behind the rim of the
moon, in long, slow-motion moments of immense majesty, there emerges a
sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate sky-blue sphere laced
with slow swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl in a
thick sea of black mystery. It takes more than a moment to fully realize
this is Earth -- home."
- Edgar Mitchell
My neighbor once told me her roofer warned
her to "Expect leaks after your new roof is finished," which astonished me
at the time, and amuses me still, years later. I laughed at the idea of
"expecting leaks," since this seemed along the lines of hearing my mechanic
tell me after a car repair to "Expect engine failure," or my doctor post
surgery cautioning me to "Expect organ failure." My house's roof needed
replacement at that time, yet I chose to maintain a positive vision of a
leakless roof replacement, which is exactly what happened. I have noticed
that when I expect success, things tend to go better, without so many
"leaks" along the way.
Larson with Brian Swimme at February 2010 Institute of Noetic Sciences event |
This story about expecting leaks came to mind for me while attending a
recent Institute of Noetic Sciences event at the Chabot Science Center.
Edgar Mitchell and Brian Swimme mentioned in their presentations the need
for humanity to find a new story... a new way of envisioning ourselves
involved in a positive way with the future of mankind on Earth. I agree
with them completely that we need a new story... and preferably, that new
story involves a challenging exploration or journey that helps us get and
keep our home planet in order as we learn to live in harmony with the Earth
and everything on it. I would dearly love for humanity to fix attention on
how we can simultaneously be moving onward and upward while treading more
softly on this beautiful Earth. I am certain we can find a dream thrilling
enough, to ensure we will succeed, as more of us recognize how much of a
difference such a dream can make.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell spoke with me privately about how amazing it is to
him that his grandfather had crossed the United States of America in a
covered wagon. Just two generations later, Edgar Mitchell walked on the
moon and made it safely back home to Earth on Apollo 14. This was even more
amazing, because Edgar's Apollo 14 mission immediately followed the
nerve-wrackingly problematic Apollo 13. Thinking about how much change has
occurred in just the past hundred years, I can't help but wonder how good
things can be for us 100 years from now.
For those of us who can't help but worry, one helpful thing we can do when
approaching potential problems is to have a clear goal of preferred
outcomes, keeping a vision of success clearly in mind. This is as relevant
to global problems as to matters in our own personal lives. Does the very
idea of global warming necessitate a sense of forboding doom? Imagine the
possibility that temperatures on Earth have always fluctuated, and that
global temperatures and weather patterns will achieve an optimal,
harmonious balance in the near future. Is the notion of possible 2012
disasters, or economic collapse causing worry? Allow your entire body to
fully relax and feel grounded and calm, while imagining that 2012 will be
like New Year's Eve, special for its place on the calendar.
We now have a unique chance to imagine new opportunities for mankind in our
ever unfolding tale, other than stories of end times, destruction, doom and
gloom. When we have explored most all of our planet, and traveled to visit
and return from the moon, there is still much we can envision for ourselves
that can inspire us to continue evolving, growing, laughing, loving, and
enjoying life to the fullest in every way.
Thanks for staying in touch with me on
Facebook, Twitter,
and YouTube! I love reading your comments and questions and findng out what
is most interesting, beautiful and meaningful to you. Thanks for emailing
me with your reality shift stories, and for all the light you bring to the
world. Thanks for being you!
Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at